Kamis, 23 Juli 2009

sansevieria bacularis

sansevieria bacularis, pernah dikenal sebagai sulcata di indonesia

Rabu, 22 Juli 2009

Sansevieria sp

Sansevieria roxburghiana "javanica'

Sansevieria sp 1 varigated

sansevieria ini belum teridentifikasi, sementara menggunakan nama umum dulu sansevieria sp.
jika ada yang tau dan didukung referensi yang kuat tolong informasinya.

Kamis, 16 Juli 2009

Sansevieria halii 'pink bat'

Sansevieria francisii

Sansevieria trifasciata 'tsunami'

Sansevieria 'hawaian star'

Sansevieria halii varigated

Sansevieria trifasciata futura

Sansevieria trifasciata hahnii jade marginated

Sansevieria masoniana

Sansevieria horwood

Sansevieria Lavranos series

Dear all

hasil mengutip di milis sebelah.
Umumnya distulis oleh Steve jankalski. Tapi ada beberapa yang bukan.

Ada banyak No Koleksi lavranos. Steve klaim bahwa dia punya lengkap daftarnya. Langsung dari John Lavranos sendiri. Belum dipublikasikan karena penelitiannya belum lengkap dan masih ada beberapa yang undescribed.
Steve akan membukanya di journal, jika dirasa sudah lengkap dan benar.

Ini no2 yang muncul di milis sebelah. Saya pilah2 sebagian jika dianggap merupakan pengulangan.
Saya hanya sajikan apa adanya.

Silahkan dibaca dan dipahami sendiri

( he he he, saya juga ga tahu dan tidak paham ,akan terkesan sok tahu jika saya membaca dan merangkumnya sendiri. Padahal pemahaman saya juga belum tentu benar)


Lavranos & Bleck s.n. Kenya: Wangala Station, near Voi. (AWMB-3, BSGW 10144)

= Sanseviera ballyi Newton, Brit. Cact. & Succ. Journ. 22 (1):11 (2004)

Lavranos & Bleck 4181 Maktau, Kenya

= Sanseviera ballyi Newton, Brit. Cact. & Succ. Journ. 22 (1):11 (2004)

Lavranos 6823A (HBG 22831) Somalia: Daloldo, north of Hargeisa.

= Sansevieria sp. aff. phillipsiae N.E. Brown, leaves dark green, rough, without ridges.


Lavranos 7382 (HBG 61013, GC 8129, Pfennig 204) Somalia: WSW of Hargeisa, ca. 1200 m., Dec 12, 1969.

= Sansevieria hargeisana Chahinian, SJ 3 (3): 53-55, 2 figs. (1994) (type collection for the species) (Chahinian, The Splendid Sansevieria 67-68, pl. (2005))

Lavranos & Newton 12271 Kenya

= Sansevieria sp. aff. gracilis

Lavranos 27839 & Bauer. Somalia: Buur Heybe, Sept. 1, 1989

= Sansevieria gracillima Chahinian, Sansevieria 12: 2-3 (2005) (Chahinian, The Splendid Sansevieria 59-60, pl. as Sans.gracilis var. somaliensis (2005))
It is true that Lavranos 24977 is a collection of Sans. robusta.
The plant sold by Grigsby's is from a collection that John Lavranos made in
Somalia, namely LAV 24534. It is a caulescent plant with spiralled broad and
thickened leaves and is either an undescribed species allied to Sansevieria
arborescens or a possibly a hybrid between the latter and Sans.rorida. It is
very different from the original Sans.powellii described and illustrated in
N.E. Brown's monograph.

Your Sansevieria 'Lav 23154' is but a wee offset but the distichous leaf
arrangement is already visible. The photos of mature plants of it in the
Sansevieria Journal (4 (1): 37, fig. 1 (1995), 4 (2): 76-77, figs. 2-3
(1995)) are definitely referable to Sansevieria rorida. It was collected by
John Lavranos et al., 37 km NE of Mogadishu on the road to Warshiikh,
Somalia. Equivalent collection numbers for it include ISI 96-57, HBG 54991
and SJPI no. A042.

Keep the Lavranos collection number for it because there are other Lavranos
collections of Sans.rorida in the trade. There are pictures of the more
glaucous form, Sans.rorida 'Lavranos 24977' on you website.

The species is correctly named Sansevieria eilensis Chahinian. It was
validly named in The Sansevieria Journal 4 (1): 9-11, 3 figs. (1995) by Juan

The type collection is LAV 10178 and is the one offered by Grigsby's. It was
collected by Lavranos and Horwood at Eyl Pass, 4 km NNW of Eyl, Somalia
growing on limestone.

Sansevieria sp. Lavranos 5949 (also know as Lavranos 309) found north of Massinga, Mozambique (HBG 32466, HBG 61068). (called Sans. aff. concinna by Grigsby)
Sansevieria sp. Lavranos 5933 (also know as Lavranos 305) found 20 km W of Vilanculos, Mozambique (HBG 28355) (called Sans. aff. concinna 'Dwarf' by Grigsby)
Also Jeff's "S. Hargesia Somalia, F/C Lav 1970" looks rather like their
Sans.suffruticosa 'Twisted Form' from Kenya (= Sans. bella Newton) than the
actual Sansevieria hargeisana (Lavranos 7382). (see Chahinian, B.J. (1994) )

Sansevieria sp Hargesia, Somalia Lav. 1970 is now named Sansevieria hargeisana Chahinian (Sansevieria Journal 3 (3): 53-55, 3 figs. (1994) Its original collection number is Lavranos 7382, collected in 1969 (not 1970) and Grigsby's number for it is GC81029. It has cylindrical leaves similar to Sans. 'Bally 12681' but produces runners underground only and has much shorter flowers.
Lavranos 6795 (HBG 22830) Somalia: on limestone hills north of Burao.
(BSGW 40202)
Thanks for the pix. Yep, that's Sans.rorida alright, the smallest species in the Sans.ehrenbergii group. The paniculate inflorescence it eventually produces comes as a surprise for such a small plant. There is also a larger form of Sans.rorida -Lavranos 24977 (HBG 58195, GC 86-10) from Somalia that appears to be transitional to Sans.robusta but has glaucous leaves.

Lavranos 23328 is referrable to Sansevieria rorida but Lavranos 23328A is an undescribed species allied to Sansevieria arborescens but with shorter, thicker glaucous leaves. The plant sold as Sans.powellii from Somalia by Grigsby (not Sans.powellii N.E. Brown) (GC86015 = Lavranos 24534) and (SJPI No. A003 = Lavranos 23251) is similar to the latter.

Sansevieria rorida (Lanza) N.E. Brown

SJPI No. A051 (HBG 55014) J.Lavranos #23328. along the road to Harardere (Xaradeere), 242 km N of Mogadishu, Somalia. (Sansevieria Journ. 4 (2): 76 (1995))


Sansevieria sp. aff. arborescens Cornu

ISI 95-42 (HBG 61842) J.Lavranos (#23328A), S.Carter, F.Horwood & S.Linden. along the road to Harardere, 242 km N of Mogadishu, Somalia. as Sansevieria cf. arborescens (Cact. & Succ. Journ. (U.S.) 67 (2): 102 (1995))
GC 86015 J.Lavranos (#24534) Somalia, Sansevieria powellii sensu Grigsby not N.E. Brown (1915)
SJPI No. A003 J.Lavranos (#23251) collected in 1985, 29 Km N. of Mogadishu on the road to Balad, as Sansevieria sp. (Sansevieria Journ. 3 (1): 19, fig. 2 (1994); 4 (2): 75, fig. 1 (1995))

Sansevieria rorida is the dwarf species in the Sans.ehrenbergii group and is found along the east coast of Somalia, especially around Mogadishu (the type locality).There are several Lavranos collections in cultivation, particularly Lavranos 23395 (HBG 55045 = ISI 97-86), Lavranos 23328 (HBG 55014 = SJPI no. A051), Lavranos 23154 (HBG 54991 = ISI 96-57 = SJPI no. A042) and Lavranos 24769 (HBG 57893 = GC 86017).

Your plant looks very similar to Lavranos 24882 from Somalia: 78 km
SSE of Gardo. (HBG 57915) SJPI No. A002. (Sansevieria Journ. 3 (1):
19, fig. 1 (1994), which I interpret as an especially thick leafed
form of Sans.elliptica.
Lavranos 24534, J. Barad, S. Carter, M. Kimnach & S.Linden. Somalia: 37 km NNE of Mogadishu airport, on track to Warshiikh, 1986 (GC 86015) Sansevieria powellii sensu Grigsby not N.E. Brown (1915)
Caulescent species allied to Sans.arborescens Cornu but leaves shorter and thicker. (similar to Lavranos 23251)
Lavranos 23251, S.Carter, F.Horwood & S.Linden, Somalia: collected in 1985, 29 Km N. of Mogadishu on the road to Balad, SJPI No. A003 as Sansevieria sp. (SJ 3 (1): 19, fig. 2 (1994); 4 (2): 75, fig. 1 (1995)) (Chahinian, The Splendid Sansevieria 81-82, pl. (2005))
Caulescent species allied to Sans.arborescens Cornu but leaves shorter and much thicker.
Lavranos 23319, S.Carter, F.Horwood & S.Linden, 1985, Somalia: on road to Mogadishu, outside Harradora. (GC)
= Sansevieria rorida (Lanza) N.E. Brown
Lavranos 23154, S.Carter, F.Horwood & S.Linden, Sept. 1985. Somalia: In red sandy soil, 37 km NE of Mogadishu on road to Warshiikh. ISI 96-57 (HBG 54991) as Sansevieria ehrenbergii Schweinfurth (CSJA 68 (2): 82 (1996)) SJPI No. A042, SJ 4 (1): 37, fig. 1; 4 (2): 76, figs. 2-3 (1995) Allied to Sans.rorida but leaves green not glaucous.

There are now different selections of Sans. pinguicula in cultivation from Bally, Lavranos and Newton. Newton has commented on the variation in the species. Bally cites two different populations in the original article. The original drawing by Bally of the type looks different from the clone widely seen in cultivation.

The most widely grown clone is Lavranos 12240 (GC 78142) not the Bally type collection.
Lavranos made several collections of Sans. rorida during his trips to Somalia. Several are grown at Grigsby's but are seldom offered.

Lavranos 23319, S.Carter, F.Horwood & S.Linden, 1985, Somalia: on road to Mogadishu, outside Harradora. (GC)
= Sansevieria rorida (Lanza) N.E. Brown

Lavranos 23328, S.Carter, F.Horwood & S.Linden, 1985. Somalia: along the road to Harardere (Xaradeere), 242 km N of Mogadishu. SJPI No. A051 (HBG 55014) (Sansevieria Journ. 4 (2): 76 (1995))
= Sansevieria rorida (Lanza) N.E. Brown

Lavranos 23395, S.Carter, F.Horwood & S.Linden. Somalia: on a plateau 5 km W of Eil, Somalia, at 800'. Sept. 1985. ISI 97-86 (HBG 55045) as Sansevieria ehrenbergii Schweinfurth (CSJA 69 (2): 98 (1997))
= Sansevieria rorida (Lanza) N.E. Brown

Lavranos 24769, J. Barad, S. Carter, M. Kimnach & S.Linden. Somalia: Galgallo, 25 km W of Carin, 200', 1986 (HBG 57893, GC86017)
= Sansevieria rorida (Lanza) N.E. Brown

Lavranos 23154, S.Carter, F.Horwood & S.Linden, Sept. 1985. Somalia: In red sandy soil, 37 km NE of Mogadishu on road to Warshiikh. ISI 96-57 (HBG 54991) as Sansevieria ehrenbergii Schweinfurth (CSJA 68 (2): 82 (1996)) SJPI No. A042, Sansevieria Journ. 4 (1): 37, fig. 1; 4 (2): 76, figs. 2-3 (1995) Allied to Sans.rorida but leaves green not glaucous.

The collection 'Lavranos 23154' is an undescribed Sans. species from eastern Somalia and looks rather like a green form of Sans. rorida or a dwarf Sans. robusta. It appears to be the plant on page 106 of Juan's book. I do not believe it to be a hybrid.
Yang ini dari Bodombolly saat memberikan deskripsi Lavranos 1970 di Ebay, masih ada di ebay. Silahkan dicek di Ebay.

This wonderfully strange Sansevieria was sold to me years ago with this information......."Collected by John Lavranos in 1970 at Hargeisia (Hargeisa) Somalia" so I started selling it as Sansevieria "Lavranos 1970". The name stuck.

Sansevieria "Lavranos 1970" grows in two very distinct forms. When younger it keeps a tight stacked rosette form with FAT leaves but as it matures and starts sending out offsets they become a flat fan shape

Hasil merangkum milis sebelah , saya mendapatkan 3 kemungkinan Lavranos 1970
1. S. hargeisana
2. S. bella 'mutomo
3. S. bella / suffruticosa 'twisted form'

Ada 2 pendapat atas email saya tersebut. Saya lampirkan tanpa mengatakan benar atau salah. Semua adalah info dan pendapat.

Pendapat 1:
Mas Indra menolak ke 3 kemungkinan tersebut. Bahkan menduga species baru. Dengan segala pertimbangannya.

Pendapat 2:
Saya mendapat pesan japri. Menurut beliau ( pesan japri, nama tidak akan saya sebutkan )'............. katanya enurut salah satu pengurus ISS ( saya tidak sebut namanya ).. Lavranos 1970 adalah nama valid, sinonim dengan S. sufructicosa 'spiral form'.
Saya coba minta email asli, khawatir ada salah terjemahan. Tapi belum / tidak diberikan

Saya coba cek journal 17 p 13 tahun 2007 ada info agak berbeda.
1. S. bella.......tanpa sinonim
2. S. bella 'Mutomo' sinonim dengan
S. suffruticosa 'Mutomo'
S. aff sufruticosa "Spiral-form" Grigsby 1998
S. suffruticosa "Twisted form" Grigsby 2001
S. sp -Mutomo , kenya, grigsby 2001
a robust form with more, shorter leaves arranged in prominent fans

Jadi ada perbedaan data yang saya rangkum . Perbedaan tersebut adalah suffruticosa "spiral form " = s.bella .......padahal 2007 disebut spiral form = S. bella 'Mutomo'.
terpaksa saya harus cek lagi, email milis sebelah dibuat tahun berapa. Mungkin saat itu masih disebut sebaga S. bella padahal saat ini disebut s. bella 'Mutomo'

Berikut saya lampirkan penjelasan bodombolly , tentang kenapa bodombolly menggunakan nama Lavranos 1970 .

This wonderfully strange Sansevieria was sold to me years ago with this information......."Collected by John Lavranos in 1970 at Hargeisia (Hargeisa) Somalia" so I started selling it as Sansevieria "Lavranos 1970". The name stuck.

Sansevieria "Lavranos 1970" grows in two very distinct forms. When younger it keeps a tight stacked rosette form with FAT leaves but as it matures and starts sending out offsets they become a flat fan shape

Dengan demikian saya sudah menambahkan data yang saya punya soal Lavranos 1970. Sebagai bahan pembelajaran bersama.

NB : saya tetap belum bisa mengambil kesimpulan. Walaupun beberapa informasi sudah mulai sesuai dan sejalan.

Senin, 13 Juli 2009

Info Sansevieria

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